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Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data

Educational Details & Name Photo Gender Views
 Sslc (Aruchamy) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-Coimbatore Matrimony Photo-S1100879 Male 163
 UnderGraduate (Ganesh ) N/A Male 298
 Ballb honours (Karthikeyan s) N/A Male 243
 MBA (Hemanth N) N/A Male 328
 B.Sc (Computer Science), BA Hindi (Karthik P.) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-Coimbatore Matrimony Photo-PHB348101t Male 1128
 hotel managment (udayababu.g) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-Chennai Matrimony Photo-SMSHM30037 Male 1624
 BA dis continue (Roshith.T) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-Palakkad Matrimony Photo-SMSHM29724 Male 1645
 B.E civil (Suresh Kannan.D) N/A Male 1610
 BA - ECONOMICS MBA FINANCIAL MANAGMENT (PARTHASARATHY.G) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-othercites Matrimony Photo-SMSHM29172 Male 1651
 I studied BSc Physics. But I have supply. At present my qualification is plus two (Kiran.K. G) N/A Male 1568
 B.Sc Botany (Balakrishnan P.) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-othercites Matrimony Photo-PHBD156 Male 1580
 I passed S.S.L.C with 63 percentage mark at 2003 and plus two with 51 percentage at 2005. I studied Bsc Physics .I need some papers to get for this degree. (Kiran K G.) N/A Male 1567
 completed B com & MBA (vinoth.u) N/A Male 1567 microbiology.,DMLT (GOKULNANDH S.) N/A Male 1567
 M.Sc.,(CHEMISTRY) B.Ed.,(physicalchemistry) HDCA., iTAP.,(accounting professional) (Divagar.B) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-othercites Matrimony Photo-SMSHM25244 Male 1576
 Have completed Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and have degree completed BCA in Computer Applications (Manikandan.P) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-othercites Matrimony Photo-SMSHM24837 Male 1571
 DCE (Diploma in Civil Engg) (Raghu M.) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-othercites Matrimony Photo-PHB350101 Male 1572
 +2 (Joshi G.) Hindu-Scheduled Caste Others Matrimony Data-Male-Coimbatore Matrimony Photo-PHBM129 Male 1573
 Higher secondary school , Not completed in B.Com (Kannan.C.K) N/A Male 1567
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